
I survived my first Sunday in Primary.

I have five year old kids. Four girls and four boys. (I was totally wrong in my previous post.)

Today I observed and next week I will teach.


Amanda C said...

Primary is my favorite place to be. You will love it. It is amazing how much we can learn from thier sweet little spirits.

mcrookston said...

I am so excited for you, teaching primary is loads of fun, the kids were always teaching me - especially when I had Elise (she is a smart one) it is so much more fun than going to the adult meetings. I just know you will do great!

Lambfam said...

Wow Katy, that is a big class, Primary is a great place to be, maybe I am impartial because that is where I am. You will do great, and the lessons are easy to follow along. Before you know it Jacob will be a sunbeam.

Suzanne said...

That was my first calling in the ward! The kids are all huge now! It will be fun to see them at church, and have them point you out and say "that's my teacher!"