

Amanda C said...

Wow! You are up late. I guess that is what a new baby can do for ya! Cute pics! Can't wait to see him!

Kori C said...

Hey! We are so excited to see these pictures of the kids! Carson was impressed with Jacob's video. Both of your boys are so cute. We can't wait to see you guys!

Lambfam said...

I am so excited that I can see your blog now. I love to see my nephews so far away. We love you all and can't wait to see everyone. How is life with two?

Suzanne said...

Oh my gosh Katy, you really do have some GORGEOUS kids. I loved the post about the smurf skin... LOL! Love that humor of yours, and i miss it terribly.

Suzanne said...

ADOREABLE kids, love those Crookston kids. You've got some good genes in those boys. I'm still so happy that you're a boy mom with me, Katy. I loved the post about the smurf skin