101 in 1001 - My ultimate "To Do" List

I recently learned about the 101 in 1001 list. I love the idea as I am a list person. The idea is that I will complete these 101 items within 1001 days. Some are easy, some are not. I began this on Feb 1st and just completed compiling the list today. The items in light blue are in progress. The items in orange are complete as of today. A few won't make much sense to you, but rest assured that I know what they mean. Many are related to cleaning the house since I do so poorly at it. I also tried to think of any incomplete projects that need to be finished. Additionally, I drink far too much soda and my goal is to stop all together. I have gained a lot of weight recently and soda is the last major dietary problem I have been holding on to. If you are curious about any, ask and I will tell you more.

Don’t’ buy anything unnecessary for 1 week, begin 2/2/09, end 2/8/09
Don’t buy anything unnecessary for 2 weeks
Don’t buy anything unnecessary for 1 month
Send birthday cards each month (1/33)
Send star and rescue remedy to S. A.
Frame Eskimo painting
Go to bed before 11pm for three months
Clean bathrooms once a week for three months
Empty and fill dishwasher daily for two weeks
Empty and fill dishwasher daily for one month
Get a dog
Walk dog daily for one month
Visit zoo four times in 2009 (3/4)
Back up laptop, done Jan 2009
Make eye appointment already
Order fabric for Dave’s couch quilt
Make Dave’s couch quilt
Make my couch quilt
Donate all my clothes not worn in a year
Stop air leaking around front door – get a storm door
Track all my spending for 1 week
Clean window blinds
Repaint around garage side door
Find other set of keys (I didn't actually find them, Michael found them when they broke inside my parents recliner in Tucson. Good thing I hadn't started looking for them at home yet.)
Install hook for keys
Spring 2009 – add potting soil to indoor houseplants
Photograph and catalog heirlooms and collections in house
Photograph Evan’s outgrown clothes and DVD player for donation
Contact man with hawk about field visit
Make 2009 family Christmas ornaments
Swish and Swipe daily for two weeks
Swish and Swipe daily for two months
Organize 2009 Zimmer Christmas swap – who is participating, who swaps with whom.
Third birthday party for Jacob
Replace cookie sheets (2 regular and 2 large)
Hike to fire outlook at Rampart Range
Go canoeing
Donate CDs I do not listen to
Additional storage for DVDs
Go camping
Visit Glacier National Park
visit Desert Museum (done March 2009 with Mary)
Buy Dave a new computer
Fix cookie pan cabinet so pans stand up.
Swimming lessons for Jacob
Swimming lessons for Evan
No soda for one day
No soda for two days
No soda for four days
No soda for one week
No soda for two weeks
No soda for one month
No soda for three months
Ride my bicycle once
Clean off mantle
Clean off top of refrigerator
Mural on boys wall
Color my hair
No TV for a week
No TV one day a week for a year (0/52)
Visit Horseshoe Bend, Arizona (near Page) and Antelope Canyon, Arizona (near Page)
Read one book a month – 2009 (0/11) – 2010 (0/12)
Get basket back
Work with Dave to create budget
Overhaul kitchen
Overhaul master bath
Overhaul guest bedroom
Install new rose bushes
Move old rose bushes to front of house
Clean ceiling fans
Take a class at the rec center
Do workout video
Storage shelves in downstairs closet
Storage shelves in boys room
Put cupboard and shelves in wall between kitchen and family room
Empty one box each month (0/12)
Move my desk into guest bedroom
Get rid of armoire
Get a storm door
Eat dinner at table every night for a month
Send cookies to family every other month (3/6)
Hike Waterton Canyon
Photograph 100 different kinds of birds (0/100)
Walk 3 days a week - winter 2009
Walk daily in summer
Make one new recipe per month of the challenge (1/33)
Sew myself new potholders
Sew train pillows for boys
Three servings of vegetables per day for one month (0/30)
Finish four baby quilts I have materials for (1/4)
Finish black shirt
Make new skirts for patterns I bought (2/3)
Finish and frame eagle cross-stitch
Finish scanning old photos
Old photos into albums
Finish sleigh and reindeer on paper
Cut out sleigh and reindeer on wood, paint
Scan remainder of Mom’s genealogy stuff
Burn Mom’s genealogy stuff on CD and distribute
Return Mom’s genealogy stuff along with a file box for sorting
Finish uploading c photos to website by May then delete remainder

Happy Valentines from Jacob and Evan

Valentine's Day Craft

I got this idea from this blog. Dave helped me bend a coat hanger into the shape of a heart then I tied strips of cloth onto the heart. I am going to hang this on the front door.